Borislav Delev
Full Stack Web Developer
06/2017 - Present
Web developer
Working onside for Clockwork's customer Port of Rotterdam (HbR) developing, maintaining and supporting their main website and subsites. Being part of the team building KING, new version of port's berth reservation system.
Used technologies: Drupal 7 / 8, VueJS, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript
10/2016 - 04/2017
Contractor - Web Developer
Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics - features development, support and migration from Acquia to Gcloud.
Used technologies: PHP, MySQL, Drupal 7 / 8, Docker
02/2016 - 09/2016
Contractor - Web Developer
- Swiss Post - Developing phone module for bus terminal software for the Swiss Post Auto bus service.
- inCMS - Support and develop Swiss content management system.
Used technologies: PHP, Symfony, ExtJS.
Azdio / Liberty Global
11/2014 - 02/2016
Contractor - Web Developer
- Developed new report tool for Ziggo for monitoring STB's tests success, STB's status and CMTS capacity report. Used technologies: c3js lib for all the charts, PHP, MySQL, jQuery.
- Developed the new UI/UX of the SwiftClass software for STB. Developed YouTube app for the SwiftClass.
- Implement new features for Observer app: topology autodiscovery and performance monitoring tool for the core and distribution network elements in all country affiliates. Developed new dynamic feature for represent the core network with d3 multigraphs. Migrate the entire application frontend to new Bootstrap 3.
- Developed and support network administration tools such as Ditto: end to end service monitoring tool for multiple LTV, VoD and OTT service platforms.
Used technologies: Zend 2, Bootstrap, JavaScript, D3js, NodeJS, ExtJS, MongoDB, MySQL
10/2013 - 10/2014
Contractor - Web Developer
Development and maintenance web and facebook applications for Crawford and Funbook.
Used technologies: Symfony2, PHP, JS, jQuery, jQuery UI
Sofia International Securities
02/2013 - 09/2013
Contractor - Web Developer
Development and maintenance web and facebook applications for SIS group.
Used technologies: Worpdress, PHP, MySQL, JS, jQuery
AXS Marine, France
01/2012 - 02/2013
Web Designer
Full stack development for Alphaliner project. Alphaliner is a tool which provides big data for shipping industry in a optimized and straightforward way. Especially designed for ship owners, cargo operators and other key players in the business, Alphaliner is the one of the leaders.
Used technologies: PHP, MySQL, JS, jQuery
Magenta LTD / Pafty LTD
10/2002 - 01/2012
Web developer / Business Developer
Creating 3D images, videos, web sites, printed promotional materials for real estate projects for major investors in Bulgaria, such as Benchmark, CSIF, AmbaSun and many more.
10/2000 - 10/2002
Web developer / Network Administrator
Lava-Lava Lab
09/1997 - 11/2000
Network Administrator / LAN architect / Business Developer
Establish, develop and manage the first Internet Club in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.